Frisco Jazz Archival Rarities
Many of the best and rarest jazz recordings heard on these pages are available for purchase here and through sites like Amazon and i-tunes.

Available in digital format on i-Tunes.
Frank "Big Boy" Goudie on the West Coast, 1958-63,
Vol 1- Big Boy's Blues

Available in digital format on i-Tunes.
Frank "Big Boy" Goudie on the West Coast, 1958-63,
Vol 2 - Frank's Jams

Available in digital format on i-Tunes.
Frank "Big Boy" Goudie on the West Coast, 1958-63,
Vol 2 - Frank's Jams

Frank “Big Boy” Goudie, Bob Mielke, Bill Erickson combo in Stereo Hi-fi Live at Monkey Inn, 1961-62, Vol 1-3
Five hours of music from the legendary Monkey Inn combo of Bill Erickson.
Available now on Amazon.com and i-Tunes digital.

Exciting restored stereo recordings of creative artists at their personal best.

Featuring the elusive trumpet of Jerrry Blumberg, the "Mystery Horn."
Now available at Amazon and i-Tunes digital.
 Exclusive recordings, informative notes, rare photos and unique performances.

Repatriating to the USA after 32 years overseas, the music of Frank Big Boy Goudie blossomed in an autumnal ripening of his art.
Volume three is a 2-CD Package

Volume Three contains nearly 2 & 1/2 hours of music by the quartet and quintet, the latter featuring talented trumpet player Jerry Blumberg.
Other titles available:

Now available on CD or digital download at Amazon and i-Tunes:
The Complete P.T. Stanton's Stone Age Jazz Band, Concerts 1974-78, Vol 1-3
Culled from hours of concert tapes featuring Earl Scheelar (clarinet) and Bill Bardin (trombone)
Forthcoming titles:

Frisco Jazz Archival Rarities offers exclusive recordings from live performances, jam sessions and private tapes.

The Odd Brilliance of PT Stanton, Vol 1-3
Unissued Bearcats Lark's Club, Transcriptions Concerts, Gigs and Jam Sessions, 1955-77
Featuring Bob Mielke, Frank “Big Boy” Goudie, Bill Carter, Bunky Colman, Bill Napier, Pete Allen and Dick Oxtot

Unique performances from unique performers.

There is no evidence that the music released on FJAR was produced
using Stan Page's monster Ampex rig, pictured here.
But it is possible since he was a noted photographer, jazz recordist and audio enthusiast who was a Bearcats fan.
Sadly, Page lost all his tapes, photos, negatives, and presumably his Ampexes, in the 1991 Oakland Fire.
Mielke collection